Seashore Peace Ambiance
Saturday, February 16, 2013 - 21:04
Art Type:

Was a bit bored at school and ended up with this loop. Soothing, peaceful and minimalist. I really wasn't going to upload it (it's more of a sketch) but after listening to it for a while, I feel it could be useful.
I don't have my usual setup, so this is much more musical than what I usually compose. Any comments are welcome, but remmember this is a draft more than anything.
Special instructions:
If you ever use this and your game is a paid one, I'd require a free copy of said game. :)
Attribution Instructions:
Philippe Groarke

Hey there! I love this music and have used it for my latest ludum dare game:
I have credited you on the entry description, and also in the web version of the game on the bottom of the page. I didn't add your name (or mine for that matter) into the windows version, as I was very tired by the time i completed the game and didn't remember to do it. I hope that it's okay.
Hi there, sorry for the late reply!
I am very happy this was usefull and you liked it :) There is no issue about the name on your windows version. I have more tracks coming in soon so keep in touch.
I like it. Going to use it for my game's title screen, I'll make sure to credit you.