Snow/Desert/Water Tiles
Sunday, April 6, 2014 - 06:31
Art Type:
To go with (or w/o) these submissions: and

To go with (or w/o) these submissions: and
I like it :) Would be good for a world map.
A lighter "desert" tile for sand would be nice
Any chance of hill/mountain tiles being made to accompany these? :)
M.b. in the future, but not currently. I have not motivation to work on this yet.
if anyone interested i've started to code some map generator on this graphics, i'll probably add a few another parts like mounains and cities
Nice! The water seems a bit too disperse though. What I did when coding the random world map generation for Wyrmsun was to implement "seeds" of mountains, which then would randomly expand or not, and from mountains, hills would be able to expand, and from hills plains. Here is a result of this random map generation algorithm (look at the minimap to see the entire world):
Perhaps you could do something similar, but using plains seeds directly.
water is preety random now, thanks for idea of seeds usage :)
you are awesome!
just what i was looking for thanks man!
Is this material for complete free public use? Does it have CopyRights?
@Lordor77, it is in Public Domain. My goal was to make the resources as easy to use, modify, and distrubute as possible, without thinking too much what is allowed to do with them. Basically -- do whatever pleases you, restricted only by your imagination and moral attitudes :)
Wow, that's very generous of you. I hope you will keep uploading great stuff here :)
awesome design btw, tnx :D