Sunday, December 16, 2018 - 02:55
Art Type:
These files are from my puzzle game: Spisix, found at itch.io.
Made for the MINIJAM were participants needed to make a game with a maximum of 4 colors in a viewport of 128x128px.
- The graphics had 4 colors in total, but I tinted (like a palette swap) them at the start of the game
- The audio is all in OGG format
Spisix_Graphics.zip 12.7 Kb [17 download(s)]
Spisix_Audio.zip 4.6 Mb [14 download(s)]
a tiny game asset pack, not bad. That isn't much of a preview, though. How might these assets be used?
Curious and stylish design
I focused on basic gameplay and audio so the graphics are just tiny (8x8) wall tiles and a big (32x32) fox-ball.
The assets could be used to make a similar game (throwing a ball against walls to break them) or as a basis for a platformer or even a top-down rpg. Of course there are far better sets for that here.
And let's not forget the progressively nightmarish audio.
I used the logo for the preview but I'll see if I can change it to better represent the contents.