Sprite de Fada (Fairy)
Saturday, May 28, 2011 - 06:50
Art Type:
ENGLISH: This is a fairy sprite developed by me for the open play The Mana World. Today I'mlooking for staff to help develop open a new game called Empire of Mana. Anyone interested, please contact me.
BRASILEIREZ: Esse é um sprite de fada desenvolvido por mim para o jogo aberto The Mana World. Hoje estou procurando pessoal para me ajudar no desenvolvimento de um novo jogo aberto chamando Empire of Mana. Quem estiver interessado, favor entrar em contato comigo.

Hey Lunovox!
This sprite brings back a lot of great memories to me. It was the prize of one of the earliest new quests on the UFB manaworld server, and many players there often had their fairy walking along with them.
Thank you for posting it here, i have no doubt this cuty will appear in other games, she deserves it! :)
Arikel Thanks! Are you working on another game? When I finished the game I'm building, everyone will be able to create your own server easily directly from the browser. XD
BRASILEIREZ: Obrigado Arikel! Vc está trabalhando em outro jogo? Quando eu terminar o jogo que estou construindo, todos vão poder criar seu próprio servidor de maneira fácil diretamente pelo navegador. XD
(Oo) Vixe! that Lag! How do delete comments?