Statues & Fountains Collection
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 02:19
Art Type:
(this collection is a work-in-progress)
UPDATE 2018-04-01: 2 tilesets added (see: CHANGES.txt)
The Arianne project is replacing many of the tilesets in Stendhal due to licensing issues. Among those tilesets are some statues. This is a collection of tilesets for potential use as drop-in replacements or new additions.
Among this list, there may be sets that are currently included in Stendhal that need some adjustments to properly match the game environment.
Suggestions & contributions of new or existing tilesets are welcome.
Tilesets details:
- Designed for use with 32x32 tiled maps.
- Orientation: orthogonal
- Shadowless PNG images use indexed color (smaller files).
- Images with more than 256 colors & shadowed images (semi-transparent pixels) use RGB color.
- GIMP sources (.xcf) use RGB color.
- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) version 3.0
- Some assets included in this collection may be redistributed individually under a different license:
- See attribution images above & included file.
- 2d Lost Garden Zelda style tiles resized to 32x32 with additions (CC BY 3.0)
- LPC C.Nilsson contest entry (CC BY-SA 3.0 / GPL 3.0)
- LPC Compatible Ancient Roman Architecture (CC BY-SA 3.0 / GPL 3.0)
- Mage City Arcanos (CC0)
- pixel column (CC0)
- Statues (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Tombwoof Tiles (CC BY 3.0)
Potential additions:
- Buddha statues 32x32 by Michele Bucelli (Buch)
- Daemon statue by umask007
- Knight statue by yd
- LPC Statue (original source/author currently not known)
- Solarus Fountain by Diarandor
- Suit of armor from isometric-parts-2 by rubberduck
- ZRPG Tiles statues by Zabin
- Animate smaller fountain from Mage City Arcanos.
- Rework mirrored version of bust statue so shading matches.
- Possibly put all static images into alternative single sheet.
- The entire set is distributed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license. See & attribution images for individual file licensing.
- Up to this point, included works by Hyptosis, mold, & Zabin are licensed under CC0. They do not require attribution, but their names are included for reference for any that would like to credit them.
- Attribution & licensing requirements may change with future edits & additions.
Related tilesets:
Original link:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Created by Casper Nilsson, Daniel Cook, Rayane Félix (RayaneFLX), Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier (TheraHedwig), Hyptosis, mold, Zachariah Husiar (Zabin), & Clint Bellanger

I tried animating Hyptosis' bigger water fountain years ago. So it may not be perfect but it comes from Mage City Arcanos and thought I'd share it with you.
That looks amazing Zabin! I think I will add it. :)
The medieval decorations in my WIP thread have some more statues you could use. I think Reemax's technique of making character sprites using your favorite base and then reducing them to greyscale could be used to make a number of cool statues. has a couple statues too.
Thank you bluecarrot16. Those should be very useful. And it just so happens that there are some "romanic" statues that need replaced.
I did try creating some statues using sprites from the game. But they were done in a rush, so I'm not too thrilled with how they turned out. I'll eventually touch them up, or replace them.
(hopefully) cc0
(the page I got the source image says it is but you never know)
@mold: That is amazing. You made it blend so well with Hyptosis's base. I am definitely adding that. You're releasing it under CC0 as well?
Yes, that was/is my intention (it would have been clearer if I could place attachment before text)
Thank you mold!
@Zabin: Do you have a PNG tileset for the animated fountain, or just the GIF? I didn't notice it in your submissions.
Edit: Oh, & how are you licensing it? Same as Mage City, CCO? Or CC BY like some of your other submissions?
@Zabin: I wasn't 100% sure about attributions for the statue from your 2d Lost Garden submission. I didn't use any of the tiles from The mana world:Forest Tileset, so I left Saphy out. I did list Daniel Cook, Jetrel, & Bertram. But I didn't see the statue in any of their work that I could find. So I am wondering if it is one of the "additions" you mention & is your work alone?
Just credit Daniel Cook for that statue. It's in that package on his website.
I should redo all my older submissions like that with a proper attribution image.
Okay. Thank you Zabin!
Source: (CC0)
Attachment: CC0
@mold: That's perfect!!! Exactly what I was looking for. You are awesome!
Edit: Added to Stendhal. Thank you so much!
@AntumDeluge Sorry for the delay but here's the frames for that funtain. It's CCO like the original.
Thank you Zabin! :)
Edit: Added.
With the addition of the Lost Garden sprite, I don't think you should list "CC0" as a license for the whole submission; I think your attribution image makes it quite clear that some parts are CC0, but if someone were to use the entire submission they would need to use CC-BY, so that's what the submission license should be.
The problem is worse now that you've added more licenses...
Bluecarrot16 is correct. Users only have to adhere to one of the licenses listed, but the submission itself must list only the licenses that are common to all components. (taking into consideration relicensing compatibility: CC0 -> CC-BY -> CC-BY-SA is fine. CC-BY-SA -> CC-BY -> CC0 is not. CC0 -> GPL is fine. GPL -> anything else, not so much.)
Okay, I have corrected it & listed CC BY-SA & GPL only. I made some notes in the description about separate licensing for individual files.
I guess I have misunderstood how licensing works on OGA. I thought I should list all licenses that apply to individual files within the submission. I had seen many other submissions that listed various licenses together, such as GPL, CC BY-SA, & CC0.
If it is the case that when multiple licenses are listed, the works can redistributed under any of the licenses, it seems to me that CC0 should definitely not be listed together with any other license. But I'm sure there are other things about it that I do not understand.
Edit: Thank you for pointing out my mistake & helping me understand better how licensing works. I'm sure this will not be my last error. ;)
That is correct; Multiple licenses on a submission means the downloader may choose any one of the licenses to follow. There is no obligation to follow all of them.
Yeah, CC0 kinda makes the other licenses unneccessary. However, some people have listed CC0 alongside other licenses so that when people search for GPL, or CC-BY, etc., they'll see that submission, even though it's really CC0. Only listing CC0 as the license would not show up in a search for any other license. It isn't really necessary, but it might help a few developers who don't think to search for CC0 as well as their project's license.
...And don't worry about it. If there were a contest for "least number of licensing mistakes", I'd be losing. :)
I'd be loosing the most in that contest.
Anyways I'm going to have to play Stendhal again and see my animated fountain in game. Thanks AntumDeluge for everything you do.
some of CC0 Scraps can be used as statues maybe?
Thanks for fixing it! I don't mean to come off as a jerk pointing out all these licensing issues---I know you care a lot about licensing, because you're working on this big project to replace a bunch of non-free art! I'm just trying to help point out issues whenever I notice them :)
Btw I love this thread and all the little impromptu contributions you're making all over the place, mold!
Yay opengameart!
I used to have a hard time with constructive criticism or people pointing out my mistakes. I would take it personally & felt like they hated me (sorry to turn this into a psychology thread). But I've worked hard to try & change that in myself & be more accepting of others' input so I can improve & fix things. :)
I appreciate the help. Thank you everyone!
Exactly! Had licensing been thought through more carefully to begin with, we might not be having to do this HUGE asset replacement job. Even after we are finished, I am sure there will be residual items that we missed. We will always have to keep our eyes out for them.
Actually, should I remove the GPL license as well, since RayaneFLX's statues are CC BY-SA only?
Edit: How would it work to merge two submissions that don't share common licensing? For example, one submission is under GPL only & the other under CC BY-SA.
@mold: Those look really nice, but I haven't decided yet if I want to add them. I guess I imagined this collection being composed of "traditional"-style (if that's the right term) statues. Those have a sci-fi futuristic look to me, but maybe they would be good additions. They are your work?
They are surt's work, I only changed the colors.
It is from the cc0 scraps thread:
Superpowers assets also some pieces that can be used as statues:
The answer may be "it won't work", unfortunately. However, there is a specific provision in cc by-sa 4.0 (not in earlier versions) that may allow relicensing derivatives into GPL 3.0 (not other versions). Any chance one is CC BY-SA 4 and the other is GPL 3?
Removed GPL licensing due to RayaneFLX's assets being CC BY-SA only.
Need to update zip archive still.