Stilagmate (Supertux3D)
Monday, October 4, 2010 - 16:45
Art Type:
I made a bunch of characters for a supertux game, but others quit the project early, really early.
I figure I might as well release these unfinished models to the public. If you'd actually like to make this game, I'd be fully in favor of this, and would support your team as much as possible. I joined them after the tux model, so I'm not releasing that. If possible, think of a better name, "SuperTux3d," I didn't really like it.
Most of the files aren't "public ready" meaning some of the textures have imperfections, all of the topology is mid tier at best, about none of it is rigged, I'm just packing the files in and letting them go.
CC0, as it's not based in a Supertux 1 slash 2 model.

Can i use those?
- OnionBlitz
Of course, however I find the quality of these to be lacking. I've kinda got stuck away from doing art, busy life. I mess around and make some simple things every now and then. I've actually been working on this SuperTux stuff recently, I've decided to make the shoes be the basis of the enemies, and use them to program how they interact with Tux. Then I can use the same shoes for enemies with similar properties, such as enemies that can't be jumped onto, or enemies that can be picked up and used like toys. I need a 2D rig on the eyes too, then I can use the same eyes on all enemies with those cartoony eyes, being all but a few bosses.
I'm also thinking of going with the title, "Tux's New Deminsion" and moving away from the supertux name, I think it's cursed. n Are you making a Tux game, or using it for something else?
i would also like to use your model. i have the difficulty that i get an error message "TextureCoordinate0 is missing" in vs2010, when i try to use an exported fbx model from your blender file. anyone here knowing how to tell blender to export the necessary texture coordinates?
I'll see if they can be used in Adventures' Edge; as fauna.