SuburbTex Texture pack
Monday, March 16, 2015 - 05:55
Art Type:
A newer texture pack I made. This can be though of as the sequel to caethaver2 texture pack.
This is mostly materials textures.
Files are .tga format (loads fast in engines)
There are gloss maps for many textures (_gloss) aswell as normal maps for some (_norm)
Thanks to Japanese Camera companies for making good glass.
(C) Gnu GPL v2
(Ie: Dual licensed, use either or (or both))
If you desire other licensing, msg me. Give explanation (quick etc). Will likely be approved.

(Btw, according to some, none of these exist, or it's all "poison". Opensource used to be a meritocracy. Now it's about "code of conduct" speech codes, and the same crap that one is subject to in corporate employment) (But without pay)
(See for details on how those with the "wrong" beliefs should be "blackballed" from opensource)
This can also be found as a set of 3 pk3s all set up for use in quake and quake3 compatable engines (idtech3, darkplaces, etc) in the ChaosEsque Anthology fork/mod of Xonotic, as that project uses these textures.
(ISO file)
The opensource world is plaggued, like the rest of the internet, by justice/social "warriors" and censorship/politically correct/butthurt drones, Brave New World style.
Some like to waste time in such things.
And btw thanks for the share.