The Game of Lifs (20px breedable faces of faun creatures)
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 05:26
Art Type:
For the new reborn challenge, I wanted to create some assets that could be used in a Creatures style game. These have different life stages, and when they are bred together, their appearance varies based on their genes.
I call them Lifs because in the post-apocalyptic setting of the Creatures games, the creatures are named after monsters in Norse mythology, and in Norse mythology Lif and Lifthrasir are the two humans who survive Ragnarok.
Obviously they'll need a lot more work before they're usable in a game.

I like the thought process involved here. Man, this could be a big project getting all the possible appearancesdown or planning out pieces. You already packed a lot of detail in this contribution.
(I have Creatures but haven't played it yet. Makes me want to try it out sometime to see what they do.)
I really like the concept, but I can't work out how you get the sum. However, for a population growth game... hmmm....
could you add the tag "challenge" please? It's just so it can be found with the other challenges :)