[Unsealed] Terrex
Monday, October 1, 2012 - 08:16
Art Type:
This formidable dinosaur is called Terrex and was originally made for a different game a long time ago. The graphics were re-made by Wyverii, for Unsealed: Whispers of Wisdom.
Attribution Instructions:
A link to this entry and/or http://unsealed.k3rnel.net as well as credit to Wyverii

Really cool! I used it in the ending sequence of my game :)
If you want to check out the game a video is available at http://vimeo.com/antonfagerberg/bm-elite-force-2 and the game can be downloaded at http://code.google.com/p/bm-elite-force-2/downloads/list and the source code and more info is available at https://github.com/AntonFagerberg/BM-Elite-Force-II .
This is a pretty awesome enemy. I can't help but wonder if it is possible to make it into a sprite sheet with walking animations like the other LPC enemies. 4 directions walking, 3 animation frames each.
If it is possible I'd be really grateful and it would make its way into my game for sure!