VegaStrike Portraits
Monday, August 3, 2009 - 10:19
Art Type:
These are portraits from VegaStrike, by Grumbel. This archive contains 640x480 PNGs of the images. The original GIMP .xcfs (very large) can be obtained from Grumbel's git repository, using the following command:
"git clone"
Note: This archive contains 84 portraits in total. The preview graphic is a representative sample.

Looks not bad, but I can't explain, why I don't like it
what refrains me from using it is the lack of animations, otherwise it's an interesting style :)
Hello grumbel, I do not speak English, I only speak Spanish and this is a translation, I'm making a game for commercial purposes using material from this site and do not understand about licenses, for example use your images, I would like you to help me with information or telling I have to do, thank you very much.