Weekly Challenge: Tempest in the Aether (due May 2)
What!? Did you think that we would have a sprint without some kind of reward? How about a first, second, or third medal?
For this weeks contest the topic is Tempest in the Aether. Any contribution made for the sprint will automatically be entered! Yes, multiple entrys can be made, but votes will be separate.
So get in gear, and show your punk side! Time to explore the unknown, and maybe meet a few martians. ;)
Tag your submission "Tempest in the Aether"
Entries are due May 2
We're looking for a list of Victorian park, garden and industrial debris. The concepts and colors are guidelines, I just ask that the color remain low saturation. When possible we'd like high and low res models for making normal maps.
Textures we're looking for are diffuse, specular (optional depending on object, but please be conservative with spec), height/bump and normal.
Textures should be mastered at a minimum or multiple of 500 pixel per in game meters. IE: every 1m linear measure of a vector should cover 500 px in the uv. Yes this is overkill for a lot of objects, but we're trying to establish a baseline resolution and need to start somewhere. We understand if your system can't handle the textures for larger items. Again, it's a target goal. And no, it does not need to 512 px per meter, extra credit to anyone who knows why.
Please use reference photos as needed.
Should be tileable - multiple texture variations for variety.
Radioactive debris:
There was a large explosion which scattered irradiated crap all over the place. debris_chunky is rocks and/or masonry, melted is iron or some such, can be glowing hot or not.
Public Trash Bin:
Something on these lines http://www.mountainmfg.com/images/street/street_trash_2.jpg
Wrought Iron Fences:
This one is open for interpretation, the image provided is just a suggestion. If you'd like to do something fancier, that's fine, but we also need a simple pattern as well. Please build the post so that they extend at least .5m below ground level.
Exterior Wall Sconces
These are for upper class houses and public buildings. This is also open for a different interpretation. Ideally, we'd like one model with multiple textures for use on different buildings.
Park Bench
Wrought iron end pieces with a decorative L designed in. The provided design could be improved, so feel free to do so, or if you want I may have time to improve it. The slats are made of wood (a very expensive material in our game world).
Random bits of broken things, chunks of riveted iron, big rivets (~20cm diameter), a few intact and shattered gears (~.3m to 3m), part of a huge drive wheel (3 to 4m diameter), for the more ambitious, some intact parts of machines.
We have a bunch of fun reference starting here machinery and next.
I won't be available Saturday due to a previous engagement.
"Dammit Jim, I'm an artist, not a software engineer."
Sound Scapes:
Scrap Yard
Lovelace (main town)
Theme song
While riding trolley
Mining Facility
Sound Effects
Attack metal on metal
attack metal on wood
Attack wood on metal
Motor sounds
Mechanical door opening
Trolley Sounds
Steam Whistle
Record Skipping
Robot Sounds
Ray Gun
Geiger Counter Clicks
Sounds associated with gui (opening inventory etc)
Pixel Art:
Chess Set w/b
Pixelized icons of our robot art
Pixel Map of Lovelace
WooHoo!!! Nicely done everyone. :) Now its time to pick your favorites and show some support. For this weekly challenge first, second, and third place will be awarded. I will post the winners sometime Friday. Good Luck!!
Btw, I added "tempest in the aether" and "weekly challenge" to the tags of some content. Some of you might get an email saying your content was updated. :)
Last day to vote for your favorites!
Thanks again to all who participated. Remember this weeks challenge too...
Congratulations to our Winners!
1st Place
Kieve http://opengameart.org/content/ta-watchspider
2nd Place
nander http://opengameart.org/content/lartigue-system-locomotive-steam
3rd Place
ubunho http://opengameart.org/content/grandfather-clock
bart http://opengameart.org/content/telegraph-key