What can i do if my programing skills are zero?
Hi friends, i'm actually designing a conceptual g.u.i, actually it's just a few pictures maded in Ps. But want to make it real. How can i design animations, effects when a button is pressed, play a sound when a click is maded?
I must drop my idea to program and just focus on the concepts?
What can i do if my programing skills are zero?
Hm, I wonder if there's a framework/engine for testing these kinds of things. Or some app/framework that is easy to skin/theme that can be used to test these things. I don't do a lot of UI work (except simple HTML).
easiest way to demo up a gui is in flash, imho.
Some game engines and libraries can even read in a flash file or send messages to a flash element so it can be used directly in game... but depending on what you are doing you will probably need programming to hook that in.
Well, if someone has mentioned Flash, I'd mention Powerpoint/OpenOffice Presenter }:D You can add sounds + animations there pretty easily too, with 0 programming experience.
I know I'm late to the party, but I figured I'd add some context.
If it is a simple mock-up you can use the slice tool in photoshop and can export html with rollover buttons, etc.
my suggestions, from easiest to more involved:
For just a mock-up:
PowerPoint/Presenter, Flash, export to html from photoshop (you'll probably need to add some javascript if you want anything more than a rollover)
For a real demo:
re-skinning a webpage or an app (unity3d, winamp, etc),
Or you can use one of the various GUI libraries even if you're not a programmer, most of them come with pre-built examples (did a quick search and found MyGUI has a few test apps shipped with it that you could skin right off the bat)
Hire or team up with another programmer to help you out (in return you can offer to make him some graphics)?
Sorry for bumping a dead post. Forgot to check the date.
Clickteam fusion 2.5 game engine is designed for non programmers
Alex McCulloch