Graphic or programmer art
i am probly going to come across a little silly, but I'm just going to put this out there, my son asked me what is the difference between a pixel artist or other artist for games and programmer art?
I couldn't give him a straight answer, art is art which ever way you do it, but he made a suggestion that a programmer art is art/Sprite made by code and not pixels,,or something to that end.
is he right? Il have to give him a high five
i can imagine maybe a long tome ago games could of been made that way, maybe they still are used today?
The usual meaning of "programmer art" is "art made by a programmer".
Usually as a placeholder or out of necessity due to lack of a dedicated artist.
It implies poorer quality as a programmer has presumably dedicated most of their efforts to learning how to program rather than learning how to draw/compose/etc.
What you are talking about would more likely be called something like "programmatic art", "procedural art", "generative art", etc.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Ok cool, thanks for your response, thinking about it my work is probly more "programmer art" right now than pixel. :)
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