Hexagonal land tile for a web based wargame
I've already post here http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/hexagonal-land-tile-request-for-a-web-based-wargame, but as I'm ready to give a little payement in exchange, posting here may be a good option...
I've never hire any graphist before and I've no idea of how much my demands could cost. So before starting, please tell me your conditions (licence, price, payement, whatever...)
If price is reasonable for a good quality, I've similar needs for the same game.
My needs:
a set of 7 hexagon tile 77*40 (but we can discuss about size) that represent: montain, plain, marsh & reef at high and low tide and sea (optional as my own is good enouth). general theme is desert.
As it is for a wargame, it have to be very readable and I want a good integration with units (designed with blender)
an idea of what it may look:
contact: admin at fullmetalgalaxy.com
These tiles don't have a dark RTS setting but might still be of use and perhaps just changing the color might be enough.
Is the resolution fine or too low? Are the proportions OK?
Your tiles are nice and good quality. Thanks for paying attention on my post/needs !
My main preoccupations are not about color (as you say, we can teak palette and dark colors aren’t mandatory) but about: scale, vision angle, seamless, readability and a specific need about high/low tide on reef and marsh.
If I add units on top of your tiles, they feel as abstract icons on nice map, not vehicle integrated in their environments.
So, no I don’t think theses tiles are good for FMG. By the way, how much would cost such graphic pack? as size and detail are good…
I’ve done some test with westnoth resources that lead to similar results: nice map that feel abstract decorated with icons. We don’t feel a landscape with unit in it. That why, I didn’t found resources that satisfies me and current player (And why I’m ready to spend money on this ;) ).
If some want make test by themselves, we can download this graphic pack http://code.google.com/p/fullmetalgalaxy/downloads/detail?name=desert.zip and use it on real server with a specific url attribute.
To attract a wider community, I’m currently translating the game and site.
The tiles I see on http://www.fullmetalgalaxy.com/game.jsp?id=/puzzles/tutorial/model.bin seem not bad. You don't like them? Or they are not yours?
What is the license of the art in FMG by the way?
In general, Warzone2100 seems to have a similar graphical style and is also open source. Some of their textures are here on OGA: http://opengameart.org/content/29-grounds-and-walls-and-water-1024x1024
The graphic pack I made was for fun because a game I liked to play http://nand.net/jsettlers/ didn't look very nice :) I don't know how much it would cost but this set is free under free content licenses (see the description page).
Except 3 illustrations (creative common) on home page, all graphics are under AGPL license.
Textures you saw are mine and not too bad, thank ;) But as they are the most viewed picture, I want them as good as possible. And according to some players, there are not readable enough.
I’ve made some variant with snow and grass that are really unplayable!
Style may not match units style designed with blender. -> They are extracted from real photo.
Desert doesn’t look similar to real board game, so player may be confused about that…
And maybe I’m too exigent :)
I’ll make some test with the link you suggest
Hi, your project sounds very interesting,
I think I can make the tiles you need ...
If you can send me some additional informations...
You can see on my deviantart blog few examples of my work.
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By chance have you looked at the hex tiles from freeciv?
They should at least provide a good base as they have every land type you mentioned and more. I'm not sure they are the correct size though.