Looking for quirky alien music
I'm writing a game, but it doesn't have any music yet. I've scourged OGA, but I haven't found anything right yet. Specifically, I'm looking for a eerie, alien, yet at the same quirky and dynamic sort of theme. So please respond if you recall finding something like that on OGA or another libre music source, or maybe if you happen to have something like that lying around and are happy to share.
I am trying to picture what you are looking for and might want to try this "feel" you have explained out.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
This was done in 10 minutes. Tell me creepier or more quirky sounding. Upbeat? or less ambient?
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
Did you have a look at the UFO:AI music?
> This was done in 10 minutes. Tell me creepier or more quirky sounding. Upbeat? or less ambient?
Sounds pretty good for something whipped up in 10 minutes. I'm looking for something more upbeat, dynamic, arcade-ish.
> Did you have a look at the UFO:AI music?
I haven't, but I'll check it out. Where can I find it?
okay I think I am understanding more now. I will work on it more when I get back from work.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
Do you have any concept art or anything for the game? So I can get a feel of how it will look?
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I've got some screen shots: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2000007/invader1.png and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2000007/invader2.png
The screenshots help. So what genre of game is this?
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
It's a very simple RTS variant.