Maintainer :P
Just wanted to say I'll be the acting as forum maintainer for the audio and music Forums. I am not the best but I have been doing my share of amateur and some professional work in audio and music. I am also taking tech corses in school for music and audio engineering. So as time goes on I should have more answers for you guys in what you need help with. For DAW's I use ableton,protools, reason, reaper/cubase and audacity. So if you have any questions using that software or wanting to know a trick or two. Just post it up in the forums.
I hope you like what I can help you with and more questions makes me prepared to answer swiftly for the next question, so hit me with questions as much as you can. There is so no dumb or incorrect questions, If you think the answer will have something to do with sound just ask. You can send me a message on OGA, Mirc, or even leave a reply on the board here. This goes for music and sound effects/recording.
hey brandon,
How about posting your pros and cons for the above listed DAW's? That would help some of us newbs!
Tbh, All D.a.w have their pros and cons and the only reason they are so many of them is because they fit others workflow. I only use protools because it is the "industry" standard but my workflow in it is far worse then it would in ableton (which I work the fastest in).
The only ones I am not too hot about are Fl studios and Reason. Yes, they are D.A.Ws but they lean more towards midi controllers and automation and not audio when its being a Digital Audio workstation. If you use reason and FL studios as a start that is perfectly fine since it is closer to a Daw then say Audacity, and Garabeband. (I only use audacity for extreme minimal edits). For it to be a Daw it must have automation Expandability, integration, and flexability and an available gui to manitpulate the audio. Moist of them will also have Extensive sound file recording, edit and region definition and placement, Midi sequencing and recording, real time on screen mixing, and real time effects.
Now when you want to think which D.a.w is better at something then the other is so insignificant I most likely choose to ignore it. For example I have heard that some daws have better dither then another program. When dither is just noise to try to maintain a consistant sample rate that is pretty much not noticable. I use ableton becasue I feel the workflow of it is a perfect medium in audio and electronic. for me However I do not like the Reverb in ableton. Abletons reverb is a digital reverb that I think was semi poorly coded and unrealistic sounding. When a program like cubase I believe used a Ir-L convolution Reverb which is far more superior to me in my book. But all in all it just depends on your workflow and when you get to the point when your reverb sound and dither quality matter to you then you can look more into them.
From all the software I have used so far I would recommend
Free software to use
Remember these are from what I used and seemed to have the least problems with. There are prob others I havnt tried that are fantastic just never got around to the,
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I hope this mostly helped you and kind of answered what you were asking. :)
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.