Portuguese Localization
Hello, mr. Clint Bellanger.
My name is Matheus, and me and some coleagues are working on a Localization project to the Games Development course. We ended up by finding Flare for Windows, and I must say we are loving working with it. I got some questions tho that would help me lots if you could answer.
We started translating using a already existing .po file, using Visual Studio for it. Well, is there a way to create our own pt.po file? And how to create a data.pt.po? Gotta say I´ve never worked with 'em so far, its quite the beginning of the road for us. Also, after the work is done, we would like to send ya the translation, and you can choose whether to use it or not within the game :)
Another question is concerning the text under the Key Bindings Tab. I cant find a way to replace the Cancel, Accept etc., even tho Im working on it for several days already. If it isnt a secret, could you enlighten me? Its getting frustrating. Hahaha...
Well, for now I believe those are the problems... I really hope you can help me a bit on that...
Thanks in advance, and congratulations for the great work on Flare.
Kind Regards,
Matheus Santos
MindRape Games, Brazil.
I'll check on the Key Bindings text. It's possible it doesn't have translation enabled yet; if so we'll fix that.
If you want to create your own blank po files, make a copy of the "data.pot" or "engine.pot" files and rename them (I think that's how others do it?)
We'll gladly add a Portuguese translation! Let me know if you need any other tips.
Ah, great! Thank you lots! :)
We´re gonna work on that, then, and as soon as we´re finished, will let you know.
Believe that, for now those are the only really defying problems we've found, its quite intuitive where to find and to go by the way the files are located. But, well, we can't ever really say out loud that things are easy eh?
If you get to find any solutions on the Key Bindings, I´m gonna appreciate it, hehe.
Thanks for the fast answer, btw. Back to translating then.