Some informations about LPC characters generation
Hello here !
I would like to create open source Rust tool and lib to generate character sprites based on LPC. To be able to do like Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Generator.
Any advice or indication about sprites sets ?
Thanks :)
Hello! I'd suggest you start by looking through the code for the generator repo you linked above. Let us know if you have questions. The data about which spritesheets are mutually exclusive, what Z-order they should appear in, etc. is in the sheet_definitions subdirectory.
You may want to read the first post in this thread for some more history about similar efforts in the past. I'm only aware of the following active/recent efforts:
- This project by slackadults:
- BenCreating is experimenting with a new web-based generator, though its meant more as a replacement for the current generator web app, rather than a library for inclusion in games.
Good luck, and happy to answer other specific questions.
Hello, thank you a lot. I'm taking a look about all of that !
There is the source code repository :