Version 0.16 Translations
Today is the String Freeze for version 0.16 of Flare. That means we're ready for translations.
If you've submitted a translation before and would like to update it, great! You're not obligated to do so. If you would rather someone else update your translation, send me a note. I'll let others know that particular language is up for grabs.
If you'd like to submit a new translation, awesome! If there's any way we can help just ask here.
(I can translate to German or fix German translations.)
What's the best way to translate for you? Uploading a modified .po file here? Forking on github, committing there and asking you to pull? (I have never done pull requests before but am willing to learn.)
Feel free to email me the .po files, attach them here, or fork on GitHub. Any method is fine!
Great. :) The next question is: how do I find something to translate? I tired
$ grep 'str ""' */*/*de.po
from inside mods/, which only shows one line per file, which is the syntax example I believe. This means that there are no needed translations for German or that I'm not searching right.
If there are actually no empty German translations, is there a way for me to see what strings have been changed recently, so I know which ones to double-check?
There are new .pot files that contain the up-to-date strings.
If you have a .po editing tool, it should allow you to merge those new strings into the *de.po files. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with those tools. Let me see if I can get someone else to chime in on this.
Have you think of using launchpad as a service to translate your project?
It's really easy to use and let people translate your game with null knowledge of pot files. And if you configure launchpad project correctly it can import pot files automatically from code repository.
I have collaborated in translation of other game (fheroes) and it have been a great successes.
I have made a test proyect so you can see how it is on . It's a demo proyect so it maybe removed in few time.
And it could be used by uploading pot files manually so you don't need to configure the import from github but still let people to collaborate in translating your great game.
I did some translation for DNT over launchpad. It is convenient but it requires manual updating of files on the admin side I believe.
If you have not started yet, I'd like to offer doing the German translations (I have done the majority of Flare's German translations for v0.15).
However, if you've already started translating or if you want to do it, here are some tips:
I have not started :)
If you import the code from git to launchpad you can set to use pot files inside the proyect automatically.
What I think that isn't automatable is that launchpad commit translated po to github.
Ahh, Clint Bellanger if you don't want to start and configure the launchpad proyect, I can do it for you.
There isn't really much to translate anyway. I'm nearly done now, the only thing I'm still not sure about is this string:
It's from the poem "In Memoriam A.H.H." by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. You can find it here on wikisource. The whole stanza is:
I thought it would make sence to translate the whole stanza and then take the last two lines. That's what I've come up with:
It's obviously not a literal translation, but I'm quite content with it. What do you think?
Wrong casus. Damn you, "Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod" - syndrome ;-) .
Wow. This is beyond me. Please go ahead, I'll instead tend to replacing sounds and textures in projects that have license issues with such files and leave the German translations to you :)