RJD MUGEN/Fighting character based on Bud Spencer. (something left to be fixed)
RJD is an "Akuma" of some sort in Ludosity universe.
I don't think i'll need this sprite for my project, but i modeled and rendered it for completion purposes.
There are some poke-trough and intersection in some cels, expecially the trousers might phase into the jacket, (and ironically this happens because of weight maps), but i think that to solve them with a graphic editor shouldn't be an issue, and the cels where this doesn't happen are more than enough to create a complete character.
In order to catch 2 birds with 1 stone, i take inspiration from the italian actor Bud Spencer.
The actions are the generic sequence i created for Ava Lee, so most of them might be a little odd, performed by a 1,93m tall man who weights over 120 kg.
I added the notorious hammer punch, beloved by all Bud Spencer fans, but as told above, i didn't have much time for this very sprite, so i didn't went out of my way to imitate Bud's body language.
I might consider solving the poke trought or adding specific actions inspired by Bud Spencer's movies in the future, but right now i see no reason to elaborate this sprite any further.

Beautiful. Thank you )