Cartoon Beach Prop Pack
Friday, November 27, 2020 - 18:08
Art Type:
This is a beach prop pack I made with Blender which includes 21 different objects in OBJ format. The models are UV unwrapped and otimized to better suit your project
The preview was rendered with Blender Cycles.
If this helped you in someway consider supporting me on my Flattr, any support will be appreciated. :)
Some textures come from
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit is not required if you aren't sharing it on other asset hosting sites, but it is always appreciated.

Wow, this is great!
I have got an idea about how to create an illustration with it.
@Puffolotti I would love to see it, show me when you do it!
I have in mind a beach-themed background with komato enjoying the day, sunbathing, hanging at the icecream shop, children building a sand castle, but everyone is wearing a komato devastator armor.
That's interesting and weird at the same time, I'm sure it would be an awesome scene to see haha