Level 1 Dream Sequence Trigger Activity
numbering machine - e.g. Reiner, Bates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6a880pSOsQ
ink bottle
small rectangular replacement refill ink felt pad sponge(s)
stylus for changing number settings
numbering machine sound effect
blank coin envelopes (#3) - Tan, Golden, Brown Kraft(?) or
Colortrend Manila / #f1d592 Hex Color Code
LPC player sprite with numbering machine/stamping animation, and movement of coin envelopes(#3) from blank stack to front and center, then numbered pile. maybe max. 20 envelopes.
elderly male NPC with male pattern baldness
NPC animations: 1. moving coin envelopes from blank stack to front and center, then numbered stack. 2. using self-advancing numbering machine/stamping
harp/piano dream ripple sound effect
tilemap dream sinusoidal dream ripple (Phaser 3 animation effect)
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