Ugly pixel art faces
Monday, July 25, 2022 - 16:29
Art Type:
Some ugly pixel art faces. Some of them work best in front of a white background.
Use for ugly games or make ugly NFTs out of them and sell them for 50 billion. Oh, BTW crypto and NFTs suck and are destroying the environment and are basically just a money laundering scheme for the mafia, but you knew that already.
I made this entirely myself and release it into the public domain.

+1 for nft and crypto rant
IDK about crypto, I mean our money is just pieces of paper, why not the same with crypto? It's also a good way to subvert government control of the economy.
- Crypto is an environmental disaster. The blockchain eats up energy that could be used to do more productive things. To be fair, eliminating proof of work could mitigate the problem, but it's not going to happen for old crypto currencies like Bitcoin.
- Crypto is used for laundering billions of dollars by organized crime.
- > It's also a good way to subvert government control of the economy.
I fundamentally disagree on this one. An economy without any government control is not desirable. It also may not even be *possible*, since for the economy to work there must be an assurance that each participant in the market can keep their property (and not have others take it away unlawfully), and who but the government will ensure that? I see many people talking about the greatness of a decentralized currency, because it allegedly will give power to the people, but in reality I just see people selling, buying, basically another stock market, only with less government regulation.
I was going to say, "be cautious about discussing Crypto and NFT on this submission, the OP may consider it off-topic", but I see that OP has made the largest contribution to the discussion, so I guess it's fine. Haha!
That being said, I agree with Killerfishred. Crypto is not nearly as subversive as one might think. Source: The attorney that wrote the legal text for the NFT warning on the front page of OGA. Crypto is subject to all the same copyright and data laws that everything else is. Anyone who says "The government has no say in what happens with Crypto" doesn't know what they're talking about. Crypto is taxable and governable, and NFTs fall under the authority of the S.E.C.
I agree Bitcoin isn't subversive - but that also means that I can't agree with the OP about it just being laundering for the mafia. That isn't supported by evidence imo, and the argument about whether subverting the Government is good or bad is irrelevant, because Bitcoin isn't that.
When the Ukranian Government had their defence donation fund stopped by the private US platform they were using, Bitcoin allowed an alternative source not under the control of a third party. There are surely other less productive uses of electricity than that (such as US Christmas tree lights), which don't get this hate. I agree there needs to be a push for sustainability, but that's more transitioning to renewable electricity sources, rather than trying to say some usages are more worthy than others.