Cat, House, and Nature Black & White Game Sprites
Hello! This is a compilation of all of the art I've been working on over the past year or so. This was originally for an RPG Maker game that I was creating, but I ended up not making it so I thought that I would submit all of it here. So, a brief rundown of the works inside.
The green sheet contains general nature tiles, trees, stumps, and exterior like a house made of ferns, or a house beneath a rock.
The blue sheet contains four playable cat character spritesheets, and one sprite set containing a 'swimming cat sprite' that can be used as a basis for the other three characters. (But I never got around to implementing this). It also contains some examples of how you might use the character sprites (ones I put faces on to demonstrate how they worked).
It also contains interior tiles, exterior house tiles, a road tileset, and other nature tiles. (Like trees, and a bridge)
The orange sheet contains the backsprites for the four playable cat character sprites, their 'front sprite' pictures and various small animal enemy sprites (lizards, a spider, a squirrel).
Please enjoy!
Note, this pack wouldn't have come into being had I not met a few wonderful people whose art, and friendship have inspired me immensely. I give credit to Meadow, Random, Crash, Storm, Watts, Brindle, King, Hollow, Pudding, Lazer, Bunny, Newt, Edgy, Ebony, and Pris. I hope, since I have not spoken to you all in a good few years or so, that you are all doing well. I wish you all the best from the bottom of the heart. <3

Hi! I'm assuming we can choose either CC-BY 4.0 or the CC0 license?