First Person Dungeon Crawl Tiles - GB Studio Redux
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 07:13
Art Type:
Inspired by OptimusDu's expansion, specifically the GB style take, on Clint Bellenger's First Person Dungeon Crawl Art Pack tileset.
The problem with the tileset is that is had too many unique tiles to actually work within Game Boy limits. So I created a new one, in a similar style, that only has 192 unique tiles, meaning it can be used with GB Studio without cutting into sprite/text tiles. The tile limits were tested againt and in GB Studio itself.
The tiles are 8x8. However just giving the tiles would be next to useless, so they are in common arrangements of walls/passages. These are still on an 8x8 grid so their use in a tile editor should be easy!

Doesn't look like you can get close to doors?
You could draw a larger/closer door with the same door tiles. I'll add another panel that has that!
EDIT: Added.
Great :-)