Surt's CC0 Scraps - Tilesets, Platformers, & Sprites
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 19:07
Art Type:
From Surt's "CC0 Scraps" thread:
Miscellaneous crude or ancient scraps which are incomplete, rough concepts, abandoned and/or of poor quality and as such don't warrant submission as is.
Posted here on the off chance that someone can extract something of worth from them.
No need for attribution.
All assets here are granted under CC0 1.0 Universal.
If you do make use of some of it would be cool to hear about it, but this is purely optional.
Surt's hosting provider recently changed. As a result, many of the images and links on that forum thread have broken. This submission is just a way to host the assets locally so people can continue to enjoy the quirky and inspirational content.
See also:
- 3D Art - Surt's CC0 Scraps 3D stuff
- Concept Art - Surt's CC0 Scraps Creatures, Characters, & Terrain ideas
- Concept Art - Surt's CC0 Scraps Monochrome doodles

A treasure trove of legend. Thanks for organizing!
YES!! great stuff m glad someone finally got the things in the thread submitted! Thanks Medicinestorm! and of coarse thanks to surt. The thread was like a Bible to me. So much fanatastic reference and learning material. :)
Oh my gosh, dude, this is amazing!
epic :)
i am a big fan of surt and his cc0 scraps. i use them alot, so nice to have an actual oga submission to credit instead of crediting the forum post! huzzah to surt, huzzah to MedicineStorm!
and also, is swordgirl missing? i didn't see it in the zip, but i already had all these downloaded so i may have just missed it
Good spot Ragnar - I didn't find swordgirl in the zip either, and also about half of the images in the previews appear to be missing from it as well.
Can you indicate which specific surt comment the missing ones are from?
Gotcha. That won't be found in this submission because it was already submitted to OGA directly. This is a copy of all the stuff that was on surts web host before it was shut down. Things submitted to OGA since then will not be resubmitted to OGA on this submission.
@Emcee Flesher: Thanks for pointing that out: about a sixth of the images were missing from the .zip file.
where was swordgirl.png submitted? i can't find it on oga and would like to credit a submission instead of a forum thread :)
The swordgirl image is an attachment on one of surt's comments, not an actual art submission page.
The difference being surt uploaded the swordgirl file to OGA (as a comment attachment) as opposed to all previous images in which surt uploaded the files to his own personal website, then remotely linked to them from OGA. For example:
Hosted on Wikipedia: (remote link)
Hosted on OGA: (comment attachment)
Neither pixel art cube file has been added to an art submission page on OGA, though. If Wikipedia were ever to go down, the first image would stop appearing here since the remote link would no longer be valid. The second link would remain because the file is hosted on the OGA servers. (And if OGA servers were to go down, it wouldn't matter because you wouldn't be able to access this page at all)
I didn't put every file surt has ever commented upon into this submission, just the ones where the original host went off line and caused the images to disappear. Now that the files above are submitted and hosted on OGA, though, the images in surt's comments have reappeared because the "remote" links lead to OGA instead of a nonexistent server. Thus my description above:
i was thinking of submissions, not about what the whole point of u doing this in the first place, which is making sure it's hosted on oga for posterity's sake.
i understand now