Animal Figurines
Sunday, March 17, 2013 - 23:12
Art Type:
- 3D
- 3D - Enviroment Objects
- 3D N64 / PSX Fantasy
- 3D Sword & Sorcery
- ARPG considerations
- Assets in Golem Quest
- Assets: Stylized Hand-Painted
- CC0 Initial Collection
- Flare
- HQ Items Interior
- Interesting
- Iso to-use
- Isometric Items, Effects, Misc
- Isometric Tiles
- Pumpkin Patch
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Temple and Ruins Assets
- WC3-ish Mod
Created for Flare
These animal figurines are used in Flare to boost a core stat. The animal and paint markings are thematic to the stat.
- Bear = strength = red
- Owl = intellect = blue
- Cat = agility = yellow
- Turtle = defense = green
These are very low-poly models that I used to generate simple icons and item previews. I don't mind the very low-poly look here because it helps give it a rough "wood carving" look. Specs:
- About 200 tris each
- Diffuse texture 256x256px
- Emit glow texture 256x256px
- Paint and unpainted versions included
- UV mapped
- Not rigged, and not really designed with rigging in mind
Please contact me if you'd like to use these under different terms. I'm happy to help small/indie projects.
[update] Added unpainted 512x512 alpha renders of each figurine
Attribution Instructions:
Just put my name "Clint Bellanger" somewhere with the rest of the credits. Optionally you may link to this page, or to or to

They look great!
But I strongly dislike the painted versions. The lines are chaotic, they don't map well to the geometry and detract from the shape of the animals. Perhaps they could be colorised some other way?
I can experiment. I think they could look much better with paint that works with the contours of the carvings.
Edited to a better fitting paint style
Oh yes. They look much better now. Your work is great, Clint!
Any chance you might upload the "clean" ones a s .pngs Coz Id love to 2D peint some of them : P
Mumu, if you're not afraid to mess with Blender and Gimp you can find the clean textures inside the xcf files. Just paint onto a new layer. If you want glow, apply 100% brightness to that layer and save a copy of just the paint, use it as an Emit texture in Blender.
If you want just the icons to paint over, sure I can render some. Ping me later in chat to remind me.
[update] I added unpainted 512x512 alpha renders
Used these as goal items in my 7DRL / PDJ entry Golem Quest:
Excelente trabajo