Minimalist Sidescroller Collab sheet.
Saturday, April 13, 2013 - 19:19
In this thread, Sharm and I will be collaborating making a 256x256 sheet of minimilistic tiles. Anyone is free to charm in on what they think will make it better.
we will use a chackard board in this post, but the final piece will have alpha channel.
i will be modifying this post every time we add something new to the set.
Here's what I've done for the day. I was feeling uninspired so I looked up sillouettes, the ones of churches were the most interesting to me.
Looks interesting, will it be all sillouettes or these are backgrounds?
I took away my sky seeing your's was better.
here is the updated tileset.
Hey Blarget2 and Sharm! I used the latest tileset in my Game Design class project "Ninjacat." I made sure to give you two credit for the tile set in the video description. :) You can watch it here if you're interested.
We (in my Game Design class) use GameMaker 8.1 for all of our projects, and the nice tiling system that GM has has worked perfectly with this.