Wendigo Spirit, Tiefling (Demonic) Wizard, Bladeling Ranger with Hawk and Statue of an Elf God (from Grim Portents 1)
Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 22:33
Art Type:
These artworks illustated a few articles from the first issue of the gratis and libre magazine Grim Portents.
The artworks are by Giovanni Lanza. They are four zipped JPGs.
- A tiefling (descended from a demon or devil) wizard casts a fire spell and holds a skull-topped staff
- A bladeling (outsider with spikes and barbs) ranger readies an arrow while his raptor flies ahead
- Oeris, a serene elf god with a starburst on his forehead, contemplates the universe
- A man sits by a fire while a dark figure (a wendigo spirit) approaches
Attribution Instructions:
Please attribute to Giovanni Lanza.