[LPC] New Elven Ear Variants (UPDATE 8/22/24: Added New Frames!)
UPDATE 8/22/24:
Here we go, I've been holding onto this for a while. I think its been done for a couple of months over on https://sanderfrenken.github.io/Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Gene... but I haven't gotten around to dropping the update here yet.
In any case, this is the expanded ULPC elven ears. The expanded ULPC adds additional animation sets (sit, jump, idle, and ElizaWy's run, combat, and emotes). I'll slowly start updating my existing entries with these expanded animations, but most of them can be found over at the ULPC Generator.
Original details:
In addition to the new/updated hairstyles from before:
I also created some new Elven Ear Variants. After looking at the existing ones in the ULPC I just wasn't particularly satisfied by the old ones (plus they weren't OGA-BY). The variants I have include:
- Medium (longer than the old ones by Makrohn, but not shorter than the "long" ones)
- Hang (elven ears that "hang" down)
- Down (elven ears that point downward)
- Dragon (elven ears with a sort of "split" style to them)
The final one I'm calling Dragon, and is inspired by this example I found online:
This one took quite a few tries to get to look right, but I'm quite happy with it.
All new assets in the zip files have support for run, jump, idle, and sit, in addition to adult and child forms (I REALLY wanted to have elven ear variants for child characters).
All of them also have all currently available color variants on the ULPC. I used bluecarrot16's lpctools (which I had to clean up a bit to get working as well as create all the current palettes as the palettes on lpctools are outdated):
I have seen lifting, pushing, and pulling animations, but they weren't in the ULPC source so I didn't add those. Child is also missing running animations and a few "universal" animations.
For consistency sake, I have added both OGA-BY 3 as well as the new OGA-BY 4. I don't really know the difference but I want the options to be available.
Note: I thought about putting these two updates in the same submission, but figured it'd be better to keep them separate.
Base sprites used in preview image are part of the LPC set and were not made by me, these elven ear variants assume you are already using the existing LPC base models. The palettes are designed to line up with the LPC color scheme and fit onto the base models.
The Universal LPC Character Generator is a great place to get a full list of sprites to use (I will be working on getting these new assets added as well):

May I ask what other components, if any, that you didn't make entirely yourself were used in this set? Is any of it derived from other's LPC work? It determines what the correct license and attribution should be.
All of these elven ear variants were made from scratch. The only thing its derived from is the base LPC sprites themselves. I didn't, for example, reuse Makrohn's elven ears and simply build off of them, these are completely custom.
I did use lpctools (https://github.com/bluecarrot16/lpctools) to generate palettes and I laid out all the variants in the spritesheet layouts for the following sets of sheets:
In my other submission, all the hairstyles in there were also made from scratch. I took inspiration from a braided hairstyle for the hair extension, but I didn't use any piece of it:
My braid is different from this one, it was made from scratch, I just used this braid to help figure out a better way to make one than my last attempt at it.
I should note that someone else (I don't know who) added my hairstyles from my forum thread to the ULPC. I don't mind this at all, and said person, whoever it was, actually laid them out into the universal spritesheet layout, so credits to them for doing that. Still, the individual frames were completeely custom.Lol... It was me. I did it. I included this in the Universal LPC Spritesheet list myself, including the xlong hair version, and when Sanderfrenken and others updated the Generator they just included it because it was already there. So yeah, that solves the problem lol. I never officially released these on OGA before, but they're here now:
Despite what it may seem like, the post by Guarav that included all of my edits did not include these brand new hairstyles:
In my upcoming Pull Request to the Generator I'll be fixing this attribution correctly.
I removed the hair from the preview here, and added the base spritesheet to each of the new elements I added. The zip file contains all recolors, child versions, and alternate actions.
I'm going to try and actually keep up with adding assets this time as I really want to actually do something now.
I'll be opening a pull request to the ULPC (https://github.com/sanderfrenken/Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Gen...) with these new updates ASAP.
This is great. Please do keep contributing to these assets!
If the outfits and base pieces are included in the downloadable file here, then the credits for those pieces must be attributed here. You can include a text file inside the package that details credit (put "See CREDITS.TXT for attribution information" in the Copyright/Attribution Notice section), but you can't outsource the credit to some other page for content downloaded from here. This also affects the licenses. If any part of this package contains assets that are not OGA-BY, then the whole package must licensed under the license common to all components. Is that the case?NOTE: using derivative assets (stuff you didn't create from scratch) in just the previews (but are not included in the downloadable files) does not affect licensing or attribution.EDIT: Resolved, thanks! :)
Yeah the zip file does not include any base assets or outfit pieces, it only includes custom additions but with the correct palettes and tilesheet structures to map to other pre-existing base models. This was only about the preview image, not the downloads. (Even then I didn't use any outfit pieces in the preview, just the base heads and body models.)
Perhaps I should just remove that notice as it seems to have caused confusion.
Fantastic. All is good, then. :)
As for the notice, I would say change it to indicate "the base parts seen in the preview are not included. See ULPCCG <link>" or something. Not a requirement, though. Your call.
FYI: the difference between OGA-BY 3.0 and OGA-BY 4.0 is, in short, brevity and a cure clause. If someone fails to credit you for using these under OGA-BY 3.0, they are immediately in violation and must cease the use of your assets. Under 4.0, they have 30 days to fix the problem. By including both, you have left it up to the users which one they want to apply to their project. Very generous of you, so thank you.
Ah I see. So I may just go with OGA-BY 4 going forward. I was just trying to maintain consistency with other assets by keeping OGA-BY 3.
I updated the description to reference the preview image. And yeah I like having flexibility in licensing.
I'd like to use existing LPC assets where possible, but I have no intention of using any assets without an OGA-BY license. As such, if I see anything I want to use that's not using OGA-BY, I'll probably create a custom replacement instead so I can license it in OGA-BY. That's more work on my end but I'd rather have it under OGA-BY.
That was _part_ of my reasoning for creating these new elven ear variants, but the other reason is I just didn't like the existing ones very much.
If you want to have flexibility in licensing, I recommend continuing to select both OGA-BY 3.0 and OGA-BY 4.0. Although 4 is more forgiving, having both lets the user decide. Why would they choose to use a less forgiving license? Because their other assets may already use OGA-BY 3. They can choose to keep all assets under one license instead of having some be 3 and others be 4.
Hee welcome back! Lovely contribution, I just approved it and merged to the generator as well. If you are open to doing some commissioned LPC work, let me know:)
I am working on a new LPC based game. I am also working with Bluecarrot and Bencreating but as always, the more the merrier:)
@MedicineStorm Ah that makes sense. Sounds good, then, I'll just dual release everything.
@Herodom Oh, so you're Sandenfrenken?
IDK about commissions yet, I think my newer stuff is certainly better but it takes a lot of work and I'm not that good at animating yet. I'm working mostly on stuff I need first, but hey, if people think my stuff is good enough for commissions I'll consider it later.
I did notice bluecarrot seems to still be pretty active now. I used bluecarrot's lpctools to generate the recolors. I tried at first to use it to generate the positions, but I realized it just wasn't working to my liking so I stopped doing that. Its just easier to lay out the items across all frames manually and merely generate the recolors instead.
I'm actually streaming spriting now in the evenings, its been a lot of fun. I used to only stream when I was playing a game.
Currently I'm working on redesigning that extra long topknot for my character Relm Kisaragi. That version was never put into the ULPC and I decided I'd rather just remake it from scratch to try and make it look nicer and also more accurate to her original design.
I'm building the ponytail as a separate layer from the main hair. In that way, later on down the road, I can animate it properly (this isn't my top priority, but I fully intend on animating it eventually). I'm also making more hair extensions; a long bang that "flips up" out of a headband (the headband will also be a separate piece), and a really long ponytail based on the ponytail hair extension I made the other day, but even longer. In both cases I'll be having them on both sides of the head for anyone who wants either version.
The initial one will not be fully animated, but I'm making it modular so I can animate it later. (The "tied back" hair won't be animated because it doesn't make much sense to be, only the ponytail would be animated ofc which is why that's a separate layer.)
I'm also planning to make "furry ear" variants (side of head and top of head; top of head just because that's the more traditional idea of this, but I'm only using the side of head versions) as well as tails. I was going to do the furry ears right after I did those new elven ear variants, but I decided to work on that topknot first instead.
After these things are done, the main thing to do is look through all my characters and see what I'm missing in terms of hairstyles. If anything I need is missing in OGA-BY, I'll make it. I suspect I might need to make another "very long" hairstyle or two, as those seem to be in pretty short supply.
Clothing I'll hold off on until later... but eventually I'll have to do lots of outfits as well.
yes that is me indeed:)
Can imagine you want to consider it later, sounds you have some cool ideas that you are working on already:)
Where do you stream? Would like to see it, I might be able to learn to do some pixel art myself from it!
I dual stream to Twitch and Youtube. I added my links to my signature, not sure if they show up here so I'll share them:
I've been streaming a lot longer just playing games, so keep that in mind. I only started streaming spriting in about the past week.
Basically, some weird stuff started happening at work and it gave me the encouragement to try getting back into the idea of making a game again. I'm pretty stable financially atm, so I'm looking into the possibility of branching out into other areas and try and see what sticks.
Tbh, I had been wanting to get back into this for much longer, just things kept holding me back from pursuing it. Way back when I first tried it was mostly just that I was spending too much time on it as a freelancer working paycheck to paycheck. And constantly having to look for the next gig. Now I'm mostly stable, most of my debts are paid off and I can just work on building up a bit of a reserve and finding ways to branch out, so I'm hoping to actually try and make some minor game projects, and in the meantime I'll contribute what I can to LPC as it will help my pursue my goals as well.
I should have a new submission in the next couple of days, but I want to make sure the assets go over all poses again.
bumped for new content.