Wishing well
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 01:24
Art Type:
Well building, part of my PD-licensed game map clipart collection.

Well building, part of my PD-licensed game map clipart collection.
Iconoclast here. I think I have to make this in 3d now. Too bad blender doesn't have good cell shading. Nice looking well on the way!
Yeah that was me. Modeling done, picking out the textures now. I'm going to model a bucket too. I should do more medieval stuff.
Do not forget to put a link when done, you made me curious.
Ops! I posted without login, so please share the link when done, Iconoclast
I could spend some more time on it, but I think it's good enough. I should have added a reel with a rope dropping down into the well's dark "bottomless" pit.
What happened with the submission? I get "page not found"
I messed up a bit, real amateur mistake. I had to get new textures. But the good news is the new ones look a bit more like your original. I think I'm going to add a rope to it, and also if I could get some flat textures from your well I could mimic it in 3D as it seen there, right now it looks more Oblivion-esque... sorta... It'll be back tonight.
But today.