Powers Icons
Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 11:06
Art Type:
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- Art for a Diablo-like RPG
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Icons for special powers in my RPG.
The attached .zip contains the Blender file used to create these.

Diablo I FTW :D
(we don't have enough youtube like comments I guess xD )
lulz @remaxim :D
Also: they look great and clear (clear what is shown, what they mean is of course not always clear but I'm sure it will be in the context of the game ;) )
Let me know if you want more icons in this style. I'll gladly expand this collection as needed (it's very simple to create more in this style; we're talking less than 5 minutes per new icon).
Great icons pfunked.
Is it possible to get icons for the following:
Anonymous, I can probably put those together. Can you give a description of what each of those should look like? And, what kind of project is it for?
I have made a PC version of the boardgame Heroquest. When the player right clicks on a hero, the icons will appear surrounding the hero and the player then places their mouse cursor over the icon and releases the right mouse button to activate it. Here's the link if you'd like to see it in action:
h ttp://members.westnet.com.au/brick27/compgame.html
I've got some icons I'm currently using but they are just a stop gap measure until I get something better, which I'm hoping your icons will do.
Jumping - This is selected when the player wants their hero to jump over a trap. I was thinking along the lines of a person crouched ready to jump, with a curved arrow showing that he's about to jump.
Treasure search- A simple treasure chest would suffice for this.
Traps search - The most common trap in the game is a pit trap. I'm not sure exactly what I'd like to see for this icon. Currently I use a picture of a trap.
Inventory - An open backup for this.
Use - Not sure about this. Perhaps a hand using an item?
Equip - Same as above.
None of my ideas are hard and fast. I'm open to all suggestions. Thanks for your time.
Oh u.... Blender is your answer to anything, isn't it? ;)
On a more related note: Great submission and I envy your skills!