The Awesome Possum (Ultimate Smash Friends)
Saturday, August 7, 2010 - 19:28
Art Type:
- 01. Pixel Art - Characters
- 2D - Complete Characters
- 2D Platformer / Slide Scroller - Unsorted
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- pixel art
- Platformer/Sidescroller Characters and Enemies
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- Side Scrolling Character Art Collection
- Super Squirrel Boy
- ultimate smash friends
- Walk Cycles
This is the (or at least an) Awesome Possum, done for Ultimate Smash Friends, a very cool-looking super smash brothers clone. It could also work for any sort of fighting game, or maybe a platformer. Note that he comes both in normal vanilla and powered-up mango flavors.
If you use this, be sure to link back to this site, (this is part of the attribution for cc-by). Also, contacting me would be awesome, because I'd really love to see what you do.
This work was commissioned by Open Game Art.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Art by Redshrike (Stephen Challener), commissioned by (

Thanks a lot, indeed he is awesome!
I'm a french contributor to Ultimate Smash Friends too but my style is no more what they are searching for.
I think your character will be great for this type of game and the developpers of USF love him!
However, if you wanna use my work for USF (, feel free to make it better and more adapted to USF.
I'll make another version of this game with characters I'll create with inkscape, for my teddybear website
If you can also make sweet and gentle teddy bear characters with Inkscape, I would be happy to receive your help !
Hi, I'd just like to point out, that is actually an opossum, not a possum. Still, good work!
This is true! But in American colloquial English, an opossum is often referred to as a " 'possum "(c.f. The 'Coon, the 'Possum and the Old Black Crow from the Hollow Tree stories.) "Awesome Possum" is also American colloquial english for "awesome."
Though, looking back, "Awesome Possum" may be trademarked due to an (awful) game made under the same name, so perhaps referring to him as the "Awesome Opossum" would be salutory.
Have you a sheet with all the heads, arms and legs, apart from the body ? It would help me to make other characters for Ultimate Smash Friends. Thank you in advance.
@Anonymous: 'Ello. Unfortunately, I do not--that isn't really a part of my workflow. Sorry about that. Still, I'd love to see anything you end up making.
@Redshrike: Sorry I forgot to connect, this is Doudoulolita, and you can see my work for Ultimate Smash Friends at and here on Opengameart
Would you be kind enough to explain how you work ? Do you use sketches on paper ? Which software ? Do you use layers ?
I try to improve myself in pixel art so any help would be welcome.
I once did use the general seperate every bodypart and reassemble to make different poses method (a sort of frankensteining, I suppose) when I first tried animating, but generally the results you'll get won't be as good. I mean, there are certainly assets of poses you can and should reuse, especially heads to keep it consistent, but most new poses are going to need you to partially or wholly redraw the arms, legs, body, etc. Generally, if I'm doing a running animation or something really dynamic like that I'll draw each frame from scratch--first just an outline with a blank color fill to test how well it animates, and then once I have something good there I'll clean up the lines and add details and shading. For something simpler like an idle pose, I will generally select bodyparts and move them around, and then go back and clean up the damage I've done--redraw broken arm segments, smooth out newly formed jagged edges, etc. In some cases I will nab an arm or leg from another pose, but generally I'll make some substantial edits to make it work smoothly. Unfortunately, a lot of that relies on being able to quickly redraw/reshade those elements, which takes some practise.
Sorry not to go into more detail--it's a little difficult to describe, really, since it does also involve a pretty large amount of revision and C&C to get it to its final state.
Thank you very much for your explanations. I hope to improve myself in animating characters thanks to your example and help !
Rocking the kamina glasses haha!
CòÓL!! Thx for sharing ;D