Meander river tileset
Saturday, June 27, 2015 - 05:34
Art Type:
For my current project Tales - Told & Untold I painted maps with water colors and scanned them.
To make this art usable for other people/ projects, I tried to turn it into tilesets.
"Meander river tileset" is my first attempt to do this. The river can be continued indefinitely from top to bottom, but unfortunately no other combinations / directions are possible.
This tileset includes 3 different background/grass tiles which can be used interchangeably to reduce repeated patterns in the composed map.
Each tile has a size of 50x50px. I know that 32x32 (or 64x64) is more commonly used, but for my applications, being able to easily calculate the length of n tiles was more important.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Uses "Meander river tileset" from Bernhard Thiel ( under a CC-BY license.