Drawn Tree Sprites for levels/backgrounds
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - 06:37
Art Type:
The trees were hand drawn in Photoshop CC so they best fit into drawn backgrounds environments.

The trees were hand drawn in Photoshop CC so they best fit into drawn backgrounds environments.
Very nice! These look great! Especially love the spider dangling from her web!
Thanks, perhaps the spider could use some small animation if used in a game though. If anyone needs that I just tell me and I will try to make a separate animation with the spider climbing up and down a little. I am not very experienced with animations so I could need the practice *g*
Here's a few animations for it.
I like the "breathing" animations, especially. Could you post these as individual frames in a lossless format, though? GIF dithers badly which is not good for what I want to use these for.
Cool animations ^^ I like that you put some variation in the spider movement :)
Here's a couple sprite sheets of the idles.
Hermosos árboles!