DENZI's 16x16 orthogonal tilesets
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - 09:36
Art Type:
One of many of Denzi's wonderful pixel art sets. 16x16 pixel 3/4 overhead orthogonal perspective stuff including dungeon tiles, monsters, items, character paper dolls, ability icons and more. Monochrome, Sci-Fi, medieval, modern, animated, lots of stuff.
This may work well with Denzi's other works
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
DENZI部屋のドット絵フリー素材は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス ( に基づいて公開しています。(CC-by SA 表示-継承)
Translation: "DENZI Room's pixel art (published at is free material under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA attribution, share alike)"

Thanks for these. I really enjoy the style of Denzi's work and the quantity gives a lot to work with.
Do you happen to have the colored versions of the buildings labeled "institutions" in the old map sheet? There appears to be one in your first preview picture. If not I can just color some in myself but I figured I'd ask first.
I don't see anything like a colored version of those sepia institution buildings anywhere in his stuff. I think he just added that one in the preview image as a one-off screenshot to showcase the other tiles, but never actually had any other colored versions of buildings like that.
There are a few building images in the set on the daynight_cycle_gui_Denzi100225-5.PNG image, and there are 3 buildings in the set on the 32x32_iso_Denzi111023-1.png image, but they're all in a different perspective than this set, so I'm guessing it's not what you're looking for.
EDIT: Check out as well, though. Similar styles, and the DO and have some buildings like that in there.
Wow! Thanks for digging around to find those. The DO has some great buildings that seem like they'll be perfect for what I'm putting together.
@MedicineStorm: More amazing stuff!! The map set alone is mind-blowing! It really shows how you can make some really custom or 'not tiled' looking stuff by just adding a few embelishments to a tile set!
So one suggestion as you're putting these together, since you're packaging them up into .zip files, any thoughts on maybe dropping a small readme crediting Denzi with a link to his site and this page in there? plus (maybe more importantly) a copy of the appropriate license?
I guess it's just a pet peave of mine, but I really like it when art packages include that stuff the same way source code repos traditionally do. It can make it alot easier to trace back what license something is after you donwload it. It also ensures than anyone who has a copy of the archive also has a copy of the license terms.
@capbros: Good idea. They've all got a credit and license file in each package now.
Guapísimo también!