p0ss's texture pack 1
Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 06:00
Art Type:
These are some textures I did for an Indie game which never got off the ground, After seeing a request for open game art on reddit I decided to donate these to a project, UFO:AI, the guys over there said I should really add them here too. So here you go, ~50 textures of concrete, dirt and fabrics all at 1024x1024 and fully tileable.

Hey, thanks for this pack! Glad the UFOAI guys told you to spread it here too! :)
What's the game they were made for originally (if it's no secret)?
No worries mate, the game was going to be called Zion, it was intended o be a cyberpunk version of final fantasy tactics.
the project looksp pretty awesome :)
is the project dead/on ice?
if you're into isometric game dev, check out PARPG.net!
Yeah the project is completely dead.
I've dabled in isometric work, I did some tiles for a Dwarf Fortress visualiser, and I did some Wesnoth units for a mod, but both efforts only served to convince me of how painstaking pixel art is.
I had a look at your site, I love the concept, but I don't really get why you go through all the trouble of making 3D models and then only show one side of them in game? Still, I wish you luck, it looks like the early fallouts, which is awesome.
I dig the retro feel of isometric, but personally I'm a sucker for 3D, I like to control the camera. UFO:AI has the best of both worlds, so I think I might stick to it for a while :)
If the other artists would agree to release under a free license and the coders too, you might want to put the project on sf.net or something :)
About rendering: doing 3d models for 2d games requires less optimizing (and detail, since the view is quite far away) so I guess it might be more effective than drawing if we're lucky :)
Good to know you're sticking with an open project :)
UFO:AI is FOSS. You can get our repository via GIT and view licensing for all our files. It's those 200+ UNKNOWN licenses from early development that p0ss is helping us work through.
Quite a few assets there of varying quality. We've even got a data_source branch full of Blender, Max, Gimp and Photoshop files as well.
Dat grass.