Looking for a 2D artist who does pixel art for a game
Saturday, August 22, 2015 - 21:10
Hi guys, im actually pretty new at this forum. I came to this forum knowing that there is a lot of talented artist on this website and wish to make a game. I would like to make a simple yet fun game that everyone can enjoy. As for the payment wise, im sorry to say that i cant pay you for now since im still schooling and dont earn any money. Thank you for reading and please reply this thread if you are interested.
You have only included two of the many necessary pieces of information to have a shot at getting a good response: you've specified medium and payment status. It's good that you have included those, but you need to give more details if you're going to have a shot. Things like: genre, style, resolution, why things already in the OGA gallery aren't adequate, etc.
Well im trying to make a casual/arcade game, and the art would be kinda like mario/Flappy bird pixel style
Are you a programer ?