Opengameart's Voip Mumble server
Being the audio guy and all, I dont want to be a moocher too much and not have something that will contribute to the group to help out besides the audio. So I decided to dedicate majority of my mumble server to hold enough people to allow many members of OGA to join. If you want you can join whenever you want (idling is encouraged). I am in there 24/7 and I am always there to talk when not at school or work. Mumble is open source so if anyone wants to make a "OGA" skin for us to use that is awesome. Mumble is also capable of sending snapshots so you dont have to upload to a random website or dropbox.
to download 1.2.3 OSX or Windows stable (both with work) go here
if you need help installing or want to know how to do for linux go here
if you are on linux and are having any codec errors, these forums post might help you out
If you want to download my "mumblex" skin I have made the link is here
all you have to do is extract the folder somewhere on your computer and direct the skin browser in Configure>settings>user interface to the qss file inside the folder. (Restart mumble when applied)
Here is a screen shot of the skin in use
The information to the server is port number 8070
The server name is whatever you want to name it.
To join the OGA channel. On the top left go to server and click access tokens and add the token "oga1" This will be a permanent password that will save to your name so you can join in and out of the OGA channel. :)
If you are having audio trouble or cannot connect you can message me in the opengameart Mirc. Thanks :)
Note: you do not have to have a mic to join. There is typing capabilities along with TTS this is just another convenient way to communicate people about projects, especially for later on in the project when things get more hectic. If you need a channel added to play video games amongst your friends or a permanent channel for your project just let me know I will be happy to help out.
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