RotMG Insipired Character Pack
Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 14:51
Art Type:
This is my first contribution for OGA.
Just a bunch of RotMG inspired characters, six of them for now:
Human Rogue, Paladin Warrior, Red Mage, Longbow Dark Elf Archer, Orc Bruiser and Shortbow Skeleton Archer.
I'll do my best to provide this characters with some lovely environment tileset, so check for updates, if interested.
Technical info: Each sprite is 66x66 pixels. From each side and from each neigbour is offset by 2 pixels. Long story short, the nth character has top-left corner at coordinates [n * 68 + 2; 2] (if the [0,0] of whole picture is top-left corner).
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credits and link to this page would be splendid, but it's not mandatory.

Very unique! Good work!
Great work. and im afraid that first one isnt very unique, you might want to change it a bit more because other than that middle brown strap it looks exactly like a character from Kabam's game Realm of the Mad God, well all of them do in style but that one is pretty dangerous.
I actually think its exactly the same regarding the coloring and everything
Oh, good point. I think a mod may need to decide if these are too similar. The rogue especially is off by perhaps one pixel, the handle of the sword.
Yeah, I really do like these sprites, its just that one that makes me worry a bit.
You guys were totally right, it was not intentional, I had about three versions of rogues, but this one's really a bit too similar. I have already updated it with a different one, hope there'll not be any conflicts now.
Thanks for your feedback guys, much appreciated!
For newcomers - comparison with the old version:

Nice, I wrote a small program that turns pixel art chars, into larger stylized images, may be I can include this style as well.
This is the original conversion. Your decision on placing border seems artistical (obviously) rather than algorithmic. Could be hard to automate that process.
I highly appreciate you understanding doom.
Is there a download for that program somewhere? Id like to check it out.
From the image I see you've managed to make that border, only in different color. But still, it's not hard proces to automate. If you have your image saved as 2D int array (talking about program, not filesystem) at some point, you can simply loop through and for every blank pixel with horizontal, vertical or diagonal non-blank neighbour make that pixel black.
But your output looks cool anyway ;)
PS.: But yeah, that solves only outside border. Borders at blends of characters with equipments are purely artistic choice and the only way to reproduce it with computer is to break these images to characters and equipment bits, then use multiple layers, make black borders around anything in each layer and then merge layers together.
Not suitable for actual conversion of images, but highly effective for image generators or in case someone wants to have these sprites in game with various weapons.
As you have noticed outer border is a non-issue. But the idea for equipments is a good idea.
Here is the program: Simply drag images on top of it. I can also provide source code but it would take time to arrange and upload. Also it takes time to process large images and the program is not responsive while processing.
Here it is, without any modifications. Settings: size: 8, outer color: 0, inner color: 0, shadow color: ff000000, shadow distance 1
Ill definitely check it out and play with it a bit.
Oh, and great new, and very unique rogue.