New website apppearance
Saturday, July 9, 2011 - 10:24
My name is Rudy and I wanted to ask if the website skin will stay like this ? I prefer the old one which one more casual and clear.
My name is Rudy and I wanted to ask if the website skin will stay like this ? I prefer the old one which one more casual and clear.
Yes, the new theme will stay like this (for the most part), although there certainly some issues with it that I intend to fix.
Can you elaborate about what bothers you about it?
Note: I'm not such a moron that I'd ignore a large percentage of users. If the general consensus is that this theme sucks, I'll change it. :)
I like the new theme while I've been looking at it for a few hours now. There are some areas that could be improved (recent comments should show topic title instead of the comment itself), but imho it loads a bit faster than the old site.
It isn't theme espescially the problem (for me) , but the number , reduced , of screenshots of new features (6 actually) I remember there was more of them .. I liked menus and agencements .
But don't worry I will adapt myself :( "it was so great before"
I'm actually going to be making a bunch of changes in response to feedback from users. There's another thread in this forum where I'm asking for specific likes and dislikes. If you want to chime in there, feel free. :)
I want to add that I'm french and this why the clarity is important for me
I wasn't aware that French people were particularly concerned with clarity over and above everyone else. :)
More pictures and colors (for titles for example) are welcome