bart's orange-engine
Hi all,
Its really cool to see bart's efforts in OGA and although I cannot help monetarily, just can say kudos :)
For a long time I had been thinking of writing couple of blog posts about the different source-control softwares used in layman terms specifically for non-technical people.
I do know if I succeeded or not but made an attempt in three articles, the last of which is . The highlight of it is about bart's orange engine which for reasons best known to him, he has not shared much with the community.
Anyways, did get a few e-mails from different people who are curious about the project and hope that bart makes a nice homepage which gives more details about the project and perhaps some pie-in-the-sky ideas as to where he looks at the project for the future ( a roadmap perhaps?)
Anyways, looking forward to what bart does next :P
Mostly the project is waiting on OGA2. I plan to go back to it (and Last Escape) once all of the 2.0 features are implemented here.