Seeking 2d Artist for Tower Defense Game
Hello all,
I'm seeking artists who would join me on my indie tower defense game. I cannot offer money at this moment but will split any future profits gained from the end result.
Currently the game has been under development for about a year now. Written from scratch in Java using Libgdx for rendering and cross-platform capabilities.
The main idea of the game is to give the player a mass variety of strategies to beat the levels. Freedom to place towers and direct the flow of monsters, with many defensive structures to choose from.
The games art is Top View Down 2D (Orthographic View). Many of the art used currently was obtain from this site.
Some examples of this perspective:
The game needs a little bit of everything: Monsters, Scenery, Buildings, Effects, Icons..
If anyone is interested please contact me for further details. Hopefully there are some artists out there whom want to join me on this indie project and maybe future projects as well.
My email is: AaronMault@Gmail.Com