RPG GUI Mockups - Main Menu, Character Creation, Multiplayer [Sumwars]
Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - 16:11
Art Type:
From the Crafting the UI (WIP) thread.
Hopefully useful for GUI brainstorming.
Feedback welcome!
the font used is "Architects Daughter" could be downloaded at google.com/webfonts

The basics are there. I think you should swap the positions of the "accept" and "go back" buttons though. Also it might be better to place the "configure" button on the right (above "exit" ) like all the other buttons.
The mockups look pretty cool, thanks for linking to the font. What program did you make these images with?
Hi manwesulimo2004, thank you for the interest.
The software I use is: inkscape.
About swapping "accept" and "go back" buttons I may agree, seems more comfortable to see the "undo" button first in case you have any trouble.
About aligning configure and exit to the right I think that is a matter of styling. They may be replaced by two circular buttons. I'm not quite sure yet, I think we need to test it first.