The Cave of Ancient Warriors #1a
Sunday, July 24, 2016 - 13:54
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The cave of warriors train and improve...
Also anyone can listen / watch to these audio on youtube : (Traveling in The Sky #1 a) (Mugen Game Work in Progress #4)

Got some pretty bad clipping when the bass is supposed to kick in, but other than that, cool
What does it mean bad clipping? Could u please explain what u mean? Bijan
I already researched I guess u mean the sound gets distorted when the volume is playing high. No one else complained except you but u wrote that it happens at the time the bass kicks in. But dude it feels like u r trying to downplay the audio meaning it's just ok I know I could always improve alot but u r trying to make it like the song is just ok but I feel it is very good. But of course I could improve alot. Bijan
Hi Bjon, the song is good, however knife_drawer is correct, the bassline is distorted which will make it not usable in most games. It is an easy problem to resolve, just turn down the volume on your bass line and re-export it. I imagine it would get used a lot if it weren't for that one issue.
Good job
This is fantastic, great work.
Thanks for your reply, I actually listened to it on a car stereo, but it did sound slightly distorted but not really that bad. And also I was using a specific bass sample which the bass veen at low volumes sounds distorted which I believe is because it is a very low level bass. And when someone is listening to it on speakers that are not able to handle that level of powerful bass, then it will sound distorted. I believe it is more the reason that the bass sample I used it not fit for any type of speaker. Actually I want to improve that audio alot actually. One reason I state that it is due to probably the quality of someones speakers, is because when I listen to it on headphones, the sound sounds fine.
So, maybe try it on your headphones, i do though hear it getting slightly distorted, and that may also be due to me adding multiple layers to the same sample to get a more fuller effect, yet when the volume goes high especially on speakers that are not so good at handling high levels of sound, then it gets I guess distorted. I think it may have multiple reasons but also the bass sample I used has a "ripping" sound that may sound like its distorted, which it does, but that is because the bass overrides the other sounds. I dont think it is a bad clipping but more like the bass I used not the right kind to get a smooth sound. Because if I remember correctly, when I would try to lower the bass level before exporting and or working on audio, I could not hear it very well. lke it was too low. So in the future I will try to work on it, and also try different bass samples to see and heae the difference.
Thank you very much for your words, Bijan
Thanks, Bijan
I don't think it's headphones or speaker limitations. I listened to the song on several sets of headphones on multiple computers and also through the computer speakers. The clipping is definitely part of the preview music. However, it seems to be ONLY a component of the preview. The downloadable mp3 does not contain the artifacts people are referring to.
Great song! :)
Whoa thanks for going through all that trouble. Thanks also for your compliment. Take care, Bijan
I guess u were right about the clipping but it just felt like u were putting me down, sorry if I was hard on u too with my comments and replies. Bijan
Good catch medicine storm, I hadn't compared the download to the preview. I have the same findings as you, it is the preview which is distorting.
Dude ur right sounds like crap on the preview. That distortion is really bad. Bijan
U were right the clipping is actually very bad on the preview, bijan
The clipping still persist in the downloaded version. I'll take a look at in audacity to see if it can be smoothed out.
This is a great music, congrats! Unfortunately the mp3 file it's clipping as well. But you can fix that very easy - Probably some of the instruments (VSti) are crossing the 0 dB level on each channel/insert mixer, try to bring the volume down a bit till you find that is not clipping anymore, also you could put a limiter on these instruments to avoid this kind of problem. I like to high pass some instruments to avoid conflict with the sub bass kick frequency range. (cut 20~100hz or more) even though you cannot hear them.
One more thing, try to export (rendering) the file @320kbps for mp3 (It was exported @192kbps).
Thanks for sharing it with us and keep up it the good work. Cheers.
No actually I dont believe it has anything to do with the audio, it has to do with the this site that for some reason when I upload the audio it gets distorted, maybe the bass is already a low type of bass so the site doesnt handle those low sounds.
But definitely it is not the audio, I have been listening to it for years on other devices and in cars, the problem is with this site.
I can re-upload it again, and see if that is better. But the distortion you are hearing is not because the audio but because of this website. I can play it on laptop with the same file and not hear that kind of distortion. But truly thank you for all your input and the stuff you are writing is over my head a bunch of it. I never got really good at the ableton program as far as techincal things and getting deep into how to use it. You may think this audio is at a high level, but actually my skill actually using the software is very limited. I should learn the programs more though, thanks again for your efforts to help.
I always have a long way to go to improve and get better. Some people say the sky is the limit, I believe that the sky is just the beginning...if anything it is at least just the beginnning, less than the beginning, I believe that no matter what level we are currently, our ability to improve and learn is always forever beyond infinite...beyond all that we can imagine, and even so far beyond that...
Hmm, I think you're right. The website will compress the audio file that's why it's getting distorted. So If you're going to re-upload I would suggest that you zip this file (download file) to prevent the compression or export as wav/flac as these are lossless quality (preview file). And I agree with you "the sky is just the beginning", we always have things to learn and the most important thing is not to give up :D
Anyone can check out this audio on youtube :
I'm glad you figured this out. I'd never be so petty to just "put you down", as the admins have confirmed with their investigation of the files. Cheers.
you know what after I apologized to you and after so long, you come back with this type of sarcastic bullshi- and it shows that yes you're an a--ho-e...and you were trying to put me down by basically writing that the song is what you wrote ... stop being a sarcastic prick ... especially someone apologizes and you return with some bullshi- like what you wrote ...
I can see nothing in Knife_drawer's posts to indicate a personal attack or sarcasm. As far as I can tell, he was essentially saying "no offense was intended" and yet offense has clearly been taken. I believe everyone posting here agrees that 1) it is a good song, and 2) the website's audio compression code was to blame for the preview's distortion.
Regardless of the intent of the message, name-calling and ad hominem attacks are not acceptable on OpenGameArt. If it looks like someone is being a jerk, everyone take a step back and check if it might be possible they aren't trying to be a jerk.