24x32 Pepper&Carrot Characters
- 2D::Profile::Character
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 3 Frame Walk Cycles
- 3/4 Directional Sprite Sets
- AK 2D Characters
- AK TopDown Characters
- Animals, Creatures, Critters, Mobs, and More!
- Art With (Open) Character
- Cabbit Collection
- CF Inspiration
- Characters
- CSCIGameProbs
- CSCIGameRough
- neocities
- nice sprites / assets for rpg / adventure
- OGA 8BIT Brawlers
- Pixel Art
- portrait-avatar-vn
- RPG-t.d
- rpg-tiny
- s p a c e
- Top down monster game
- topdown sprite/tiles
- Walk Cycles
- Witches Brew
- Zelda Like RPG
Based on the webcomic Pepper&Carrot and on "Characters Lineart" (https://www.peppercarrot.com/0_sources/0ther/misc/hi-res/2016-02-25_char...) by David Revoy, CC-by.
Also based on this CC0 base: https://opengameart.org/content/24x32-bases
Other things in this style:
The girls are shorter than the adults and the base but taller than the child NPCs.
Unfortunately Carrot is completely out of scale with the cat in Cabbit's new character pack. That's because I started on this before that character pack was published. I did try to sort of match her style with the girls, particularly in drawing in more of the nose than the lineart this was based on and in the way the lips are shaded.

Awesome! I love Pepper & Carrot.
I've started putting a collection together of yours & Cabbit's sprites: https://opengameart.org/node/79804
I've used these to make a jam game: https://congusbongus.itch.io/peppertown
it really works well!
I won't bother you with the details of why I'm so late replying to this, but I played your game and it's pretty fun.