WhiteMage 1
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - 21:32
Art Type:
Heavens Staff
This is the last PixelArt Im sharing, I dont seem to be as good as I thought, since people doesnt even fav nor download my art. So, this is my farewell. See you around~

That is very sad to hear. I don't know how good you were hoping you were, but i think you're great. I'm not the only one, either. It took me a year to gain the favorites you received in a month. :)
There is nothing wrong with your pixel art! It's great! People are downloading your art, only last week your "slimes" we're up on the "popular this week" board, so you are getting favourite. I've got lots of work that hasn't been favorouted. Sometimes it happens,,but don't let it discourage you! :)
Heck, I'm on your followers list, just so I could make sure to see your art in case I missed it before it left the front page. I love your sense of colors, and how your sprites are so clean, even when they're complex.
I'll definitely miss your updates if you leave!
Thank you guys, I really appreciate your commentaries, I thought I was being ignored lately, since most of my newest art was just there, unnoticed. I think I can keep updating this WhiteMage set.
Yeah, I'm definitely a big fan of your stuff. It's always caught my eye when I pop in and I always go in for a closer look. I haven't downloaded or used any of your work in my project, only because everything was a gpl license (which I noticed that you added more just now!).
I don't understand how gpl works, honestly. I've read it and it seems to reference software and source code a lot and it states that you have to keep track of dates modified (I modify everything at least a little) and it was enough to keep me from using it, knowing how informal and unorganized I can be. It's more or less a rule I set for myself, cc0 or cc by 3.0 only and I'm not one to gripe about the license the artist chooses. It's your work, it's free to use, set as many standards and requirements as you feel you want and deserve.
Now that I see you slapping a cc by 3.0 on your stuff, I will definitely be using quite a few of your submissions, and by the time I noticed the additional license options, you're leaving? Sad times, man. Sad times. At any rate, thanks for all your work and submissions.