Tricolor NES Static Monster Graphics
Sunday, July 22, 2018 - 11:47
Art Type:
These were static monster enemy battlers created for an NES-style RPG heavily based on Dragon Warrior/Quest II. The game palette was based on FirebrandX's NES palettes. Each battler uses three colors, and was meant to go on a solid black background (in keeping with NES graphical display limitations). Each battler was also scaled up 2x from its original size in order to replicate NTSC screen resolution in RPGMaker VX Ace.
The golem battler is in a drastically different pixel art style from the others. This was done intentionally as a visual indication to the player that This Battle Is Different, but it does mean that it will probably not be a good choice for most projects where the other battlers fit in.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit can be attributed to "Ctskelgysth Inauaruat", "Ctskelgysth", or just "Ctske" depending on space limitations and what works best for your project.

Hi, I'm using those snappy battler crabs in my game Kaapelipeli: The Cable Game -
Proper credits given :)