Witcher tileset
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - 12:29
Art Type:
A tileset containing some pixel art sprites loosely related to the world of "The Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski. Contains witchers, peasants, monsters, alchemical instruments and some other characters.
It definitely needs more work and consistency of proportions, but maybe some parts of it will be useful for other creators.
Sprite size is 20x32, but most of them fit in 16x24.
Most of this was originally prepared as a part of Quinta essentia game made for Seven Day Roguelike Challenge (7DRL 2019).
Human characters are partially inspired by Dungeon Tileset made by Calciumtrice.
Some monsters characters are partially inspired by DawnLike tileset made by DawnBringer and DragonDePlatino.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Narysowane przez Pawła Ślusarczyka
Made by Paweł Ślusarczyk

They're all so cool.