Really, there's a shortage of free higher-poly models in the FOSS world. Most of the models seem to aim for lower-spec machines (circa 2000 or so), which is fine, but it's good to have some models out there that look current in terms of their polycount.
Depends on what issues you're having. Not having attempted it myself, I'd take a look at how tiled expects tiles to be arranged and see if the arrangement needs to be changed in some way. If you figure anything out, let me know. If you come up with an arrangement that works, we can post it here.
When you include elements in a video that are GPL and CC-BY-SA, you *absolutely must* release the video under those licenses as well. This is because, unlike a game (where it's a bit of a grey area since the works are still separable) a video is one single work that you can't easily take apart. So to be safe, be prepared to either not use GPLed and CC-BY-SA content in your video or release all of your source files.
So you're looking for a bunch of individual images, one per tile, right?
Really, there's a shortage of free higher-poly models in the FOSS world. Most of the models seem to aim for lower-spec machines (circa 2000 or so), which is fine, but it's good to have some models out there that look current in terms of their polycount.
As far as comical music goes, here's one I did a while ago that might fit the bill:
Depends on what issues you're having. Not having attempted it myself, I'd take a look at how tiled expects tiles to be arranged and see if the arrangement needs to be changed in some way. If you figure anything out, let me know. If you come up with an arrangement that works, we can post it here.
In all honsty, by the looks of the mesh screenshot, it looks fairly low-poly to me (at least by modern standards).
Sir, I like your style. :)
Just to clarfy something regarding GPL/CC-BY-SA:
When you include elements in a video that are GPL and CC-BY-SA, you *absolutely must* release the video under those licenses as well. This is because, unlike a game (where it's a bit of a grey area since the works are still separable) a video is one single work that you can't easily take apart. So to be safe, be prepared to either not use GPLed and CC-BY-SA content in your video or release all of your source files.
Wow, very nice!
Why Droid Sans and not, say, Liberation Sans or some other, similar font?
Can you give me a link to this "droid" font? Mostly I get fonts for Android when I google it.